Call 1300 24 23 22 Monday to Friday 9 am - 4.30 pm in each State and Territory

Call 1300 24 23 22
Call 1300 24 23 22

Call 1300 24 23 22 Monday to Friday 9 am - 4.30 pm in each State and Territory


Perhaps your baby blues won’t go away.

Perhaps you’ve found your transition to parenting harder than expected.

Perhaps with a previous baby, you’ve had perinatal mental health challenges and you want to be well supported this time around.

We are here ForWhen you need to be supported. We’ll navigate you to the critical mental health and wellbeing services you might need at this challenging time in your parenting journey.

Call ForWhen
1300 24 23 22

ForWhen is brought to you by…
ForWhen Helpline - First Nation Branding
ForWhen is here to stay! – thanks to a reinstatement of funding announced today by the Commonwealth Government.

We are thrilled and deeply grateful to the Commonwealth Government for their commitment to refunding of ForWhen! This incredible announcement ensures that our team of skilled and experienced Navigators can continue to help guide new and expecting parents to the mental health care they need.

ForWhen is a vital and unique place-based service in the national mental health eco-system and has supported over 7000 families to connect to the vital services they need since we began in February 2022.

Thanks to this fantastic commitment, there will be no changes to our service, and we can continue to hold a parent’s hand, guide them to services and make sure they get the help they need during one of the most challenging times in their lives. This is a wonderful outcome for families across Australia.

Thank you so much  to all of you for supporting our sustained advocacy and to our courageous families who were so willing to share their stories.

Step 1: Call our number

New or expecting parents/carers, concerned family members, or health professionals can call us on 1300 24 23 22 9.00am – 4.30pm Monday – Friday to speak with a local navigator.

Step 2: We’ll listen

Your local navigator will listen to you, assess the challenges you’re facing, talk through how you’re feeling, and consider your needs.

Step 3: Navigate to services

Your navigator will search and guide you to services and supports that are suitable for your needs.

Step 4: Get you connected

Then, they’ll connect you with the right support service to help your mental health and wellbeing.

This year, 97% of parents rated the ForWhen clinician “very good” or “excellent”.

Do you need assistance contacting ForWhen?

It’s important to us that everyone can access ForWhen. We have options available to make accessing ForWhen easier for you.

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ForWhen acknowledges the Traditional and Continuing Owners of the land and waters of Australia, and pays its respects to Elders, past and present. We pay tribute to the wisdom, richness, diversity and resilience of First Nations peoples and cultures.